February 27, 2019 - The National Space Centre, Leicester
Promotional Product Agency, Micromarketing Ltd, is due to attend RoSPA’s 2019 Home Safety Congress at the National Space Centre in February.
Formerly known as magnet specialists Micromagnetics, Micromarketing creates complete promotional marketing solutions which enable clients to effectively communicate messages to their audience. The conference is an opportunity for the company to showcase its work in the public sector and in particular within Healthcare. Past successes include RoSPA’s national Take Action Today, Put Them Away campaign, NHS and One You Ealing’s Smoking Cessation and Healthy Families campaigns, and Kent County Council and Luton Borough Council’s Love Food Hate Waste campaigns.
Who is this event for?
The event is aimed at anyone working with children and young families or those involved in strategic planning for child injury prevention. The congress will consider step change in the delivery of evidence-based accident prevention programmes. It will look at new approaches and good practice in child safety and the safety of older people in the home.
If you are interested in meeting Micromarketing at the event, or in finding out more about their work with the public sector, get in touch with Paul Harris on 01993 773350.